How to Get Rid of CPAP Rash and Get Back to Normal

You just woke up and started getting ready for work but feel an annoying skin irritation on your face. When you look in the mirror, you notice redness around your face and mouth. What’s that? A CPAP rash (ugh). A CPAP rash is common when you have just started using a CPAP machine or bought a new CPAP mask. CPAP therapy can undoubtedly take a little time to get used to. It takes a few days to adapt to everything from the machine’s whirrs to the CPAP hose becoming your new bedtime buddy. But if you end up with a skin irritation like this, how do you get rid of a CPAP rash?

CPAP is a life-saving device for those who suffer from sleep apnea, but it can have unwanted side effects. One of the most common complaints is CPAP rash, which can be annoying and make using the device difficult. Luckily, there are ways to get rid of CPAP rash and get back to normal. Here we’ll discuss what causes and how to get rid of CPAP rash. So if you’re dealing with a pesky case of CPAP rash, read on!

Don’t let a dirty CPAP be a cause for your CPAP rash. Keep your machine clean the easy way with an automatic CPAP cleaner. Shop now!

A dirty CPAP is the most common reason for a CPAP rash.

A CPAP rash can be really frustrating. It can be painful and might even cause itching on your face. And if you care about how you look, you will have to hide the redness with a concealer (one more task added to your morning to-do list). There might be a possibility that your CPAP rash is due to a dirty CPAP. A dirty CPAP machine can cause not just a rash, but also respiratory and sinus infections as well. Improper cleaning of CPAP equipment has been reported to cause pneumonia. Therefore, using a clean CPAP is a must.

Get rid of CPAP rash

If your rash is due to unclean equipment, you can get rid of the CPAP rash by cleaning your CPAP with an ozone or UV cleaner thoroughly, at a bare minimum once a week. These cleaners kill 99%+ germs leaving your CPAP as clean and fresh as it can be. For daily cleanings, CPAP mask wipes are a convenient option.

How to get rid of a CPAP rash and keep it from coming back

Mask size matters.

A mask that is too big or too small can cause skin rashes, among other irritations. A too-tight mask could be pressing into your face and causing a CPAP rash. A mask too loose could be moving around and causing leakage of excess air. When the mask is shifting around and rubbing against your skin, you might get some pretty painful rashes. While getting fitted for a mask, you should know exactly what size you need, especially when you are new to CPAP therapy. You might want to try adjusting the straps on the CPAP mask, which could help you out tremendously to customize the fit. If it’s still a poor fit, contact the healthcare professional who got you fitted for the mask for help.

Avoid sleeping with an oily face.

Your face can become pretty oily during the course of a day. Before putting on your mask, wash your face with soap and water or a facewash. Clean skin will prevent the cushion from sliding around. A CPAP rash on the cheeks can occur if your cushion moves too much when you sleep. It is also recommended not to wear lotion on your face, which can cause chafing. If you need to moisturize, stick to non-greasy formulas, which may help you get rid of the CPAP rash you have.

Try using full-face or nasal mask liners.

Although silicone allergies are rare, some people find contact with the material aggravating. The best way to alleviate mask irritation is to use some barrier between the mask and your skin. Some people have difficulty finding a mask that fits perfectly, but those who use these barriers report their mask fits better than ever.

Clean your CPAP regularly.

Keeping your mask clean will ensure that it is free of bacteria and other germs that could cause irritation or infection. Cleaning your CPAP mask is quite easy, but you want to be careful with what kind of cleaning solutions you use. CleanCPAP recommends avoiding scented soaps and the use of alcohol, vinegar, bleach, or over-the-counter antibacterial agents because they can dry out the mask. Masks are delicate, just like your skin. Our affordable CPAP cleaners are a convenient and simple solution.

Our ozone and UV cleaners sanitize your CPAP equipment for you! You can be confident that these ozone and UV CPAP cleaners remove 99.9% of all bacteria and other microbes that may cause skin infections. Be sure to clean your CPAP masks with CPAP mask wipes between thorough cleanings. Remember that the best way to get rid of a CPAP rash and keep it from coming back is to maintain and clean your machine.

Consider buying a new mask.

It is possible that you need a new mask if your mask fits perfectly and you don’t know what is causing the redness and pain on your face. In the same way that you need to change your toothbrush every couple of months, replacing your CPAP mask will reduce any skin irritation you may be experiencing if a deteriorating mask is the cause. When the mask or the mask cushions show signs of discoloration or yellowing, cracking, dryness, stiffness, or leaking air, it is time to replace it.  We recommend you to get a new mask every 3 to 6 months, but if you start to see signs of wear and tear, it is important to get a new mask immediately.

Got a dirty CPAP? Try using a CPAP cleaner.

If you’re experiencing a rash after using your CPAP, the most likely culprit is a dirty machine. Luckily, there are highly effective CPAP cleaners on the market that can help you keep your device clean and free of bacteria. The industry experts at CleanCPAP have rounded up some of the highest quality cleaners for you to check out, so be sure to browse our selection and bring home the best of the best. Don’t give up on using your CPAP machine because of CPAP rash, try automatic CPAP cleaners available at CleanCPAP and get rid of the CPAP rash. Shop now!

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